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How To Use Your Planner Diary? Here’s a Simple 3-Step Guide for the Beginners

Did the first quarter of this year go well? Regardless of your answer, you know deep down that it can get better as the days turn into weeks and months! Ergo, it is never too late to start planning your days properly. Our planner diary will help you turn into a melting pot of opportunities and potential growth points every week. In this guide, we will teach you just how!

It is understandably daunting to religiously start the ritual of planning, and just like any form of positive habit cultivation, it requires diligence, discipline, and practice. However, once you get the hang of it, you will surely start enjoying the process. Not to mention, also its benefits!

Read on to get a quick grip on using our planner:

Step 1: Start by making a monthly blueprint:

This is the best way to get started on an annual plan. Start by listing all the important events, anniversaries, birthdays, festivals, etc. Just like how you would use a calendar. This way, you shall get an exact idea about how busy each month will be, and you won’t forget key events throughout the year! This activity will also help you decide when to take on additional responsibilities and when to take a step back, significantly reducing work-life balance issues.

Step 2: Put down monthly to-dos:

Now that you have your monthly calendar set, you can start listing down your major targets for the month, the planner or, even in a ruled notebook. These could be professional and personal. Doing this will help you move positively in the right direction and guide your way forward. Knowing what you want to achieve in the month will allow you to take those productive steps and serve as a good reference point once the month is over.

Step 3: Now move to daily productivity plans:

We first started by organising the year, then moved to monthly planning, and now it’s time to get everyday life right with a planner. Don’t worry; it’s not as strenuous a task as you think it is. All you have to do is flip through the pages in tandem with that day’s date and list down your to-do list for that day. This to-do list will add to that month’s goals and factor in how busy your weeks get based on the annual planning you initially undertook. The result will be a very realistic, achievable, clear, and productive to-do list for the day that channels your efforts in the right direction. By the end of the day, you will be more fulfilled and more at peace knowing that you are inching closer and closer to growth that month!

It is not rocket science to get into a disciplined planning routine when you have the right companion by your side. Our planner is indeed the one for you! Get your hands on it immediately and start your own journey of growth and productivity!