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5 Things Your Work-from-Home Desk Absolutely Needs

Among all the things, habits, patterns, and dreams toppled by 2020, the switch to work-from-home (WFH) lifestyle is probably the most characteristic and pronounced. While all of us have settled into the new normal of merging the boundaries between work and home, what truly helps is having a separate working corner. At least then, the blurring lines between professional and personal space would not be as evident physically as they are emotionally.

Your WFH desk has to be comfortable enough to let you feel at home, and useful enough to bring out your most productive side despite the homely conditions. It's difficult to recreate a professional environment at home; but, with the right desk setup, you can surely recreate a professional work environment's efficiency at home. At the end of the day, isn't that all that matters? Plus, the homely comfort you could avail is a wholly separate advantage in itself!

To make your home office setup easier, we are bringing to you 5 things that your WFH desk should absolutely be equipped with for a middle ground between utility and efficiency. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

  1. Laptop/PC and a charger within reach: WFH is obviously incomplete without the electronic gadget most fundamental to all things work related. Have it atop the desk and keep a charger close so that battery-related roadblocks don't stall you.

  2. A notebook: Making task lists and to-do lists is quintessential to productivity. That is why, always have a notebook on your work desk to jot down important tasks and quick notes. Single ruled notebooks like these are the perfect style and utility additions to your WFH desk.

  3. A small stationery set: A pen, pencil, and highlighter always come in handy while sketching out ideas, marking priority tasks and putting down notes in the ruled notebook. Basically, you need something to fill your notebook with, right?

  4. Post-its: For quick tips, can't-forget-notes, tasks that need immediate attention, reminders, and compartmentalising your notebook or, planner diary. Trust us, post-its make working a lot more fun, vibrant, and precise.

  5. Your favorite coffee/tea mug: Something that says YOU, or something that serves as a constant reminder of your goals and aspirations, or maybe something that makes you happy- a mug can be any of these things or all 3, if chosen correctly for your WFH desk. Beverage refills are a part and parcel of WFH due to how stressful it can get; might as well let every refill serve as a reminder for what matters the most to you!

Armed with this information, are you ready to go out there, rather get inside your room, to kill the new normal like a complete boss? Because, we surely are rooting for you!